Macey Walks!!!

After many many months of plodding and pleading, Macey has finally decided that she would finally grace the world with her walking abilities. For some time I have suspected that she could really walk. That she was just bidding her time until walking benefited her, and now we know the truth. Macey CAN walk! This is what I've been telling myself. She's been very coy about the whole process. I would stand her up, and try to get her to take some steps, and she would just smile at me, and then politely sit down. But now she's just walking everywhere. She really went from just taking a couple of steps, to all of a sudden walking everywhere around the house. She's very proud of her self now, and has been wearing her self out every night making laps around the house. Go Macey!!!
Yeah Macey!!!! We're so proud of you and now you can keep up even more with your brothers. :) Or make your mommy work harder. :)
By the way your cousin Cassidy named her new bunny Macey. She already adores you! Just like your Uncle Derek and Aunt Angie does.
Big Hugs from Colorado
Wahoo! She is just delicious. I wish we lived closer so Morris could flirt with her. Thank you again for coming to the services last week. You've always been such a good, loyal friend.
She is such a cutie! She is growing up too fast.
Sara she is your clone! So cute...
I can't wait to see her...I was only gone a few weeks and so much has changed!
Yay Macie! We need to get Lilly and her together - now that she can walk! She's a cutie Sara! Oh, and I'm totally impressed by your sewing skills - amazing Halloween costumes!
She is so super cute. Way to go for her. Get ready for all the bumps and bruises that come with it! Hey email your email so I can add you to our blog
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