Happy Halloween!!!
Well I'm happy to report that I did finish making the costumes in time. They were a little bit tricky this year, trying to make my boys look super muscular. But I think they turned out really good, if I'm allowed to brag a little bit. I really look forward to Halloween each year, and making the costumes. I know it's supposed to be for the kids, but I enjoy sewing, and use this time to allow my self to have a big project each year. This was the first year that I let the boys decide what they wanted to be, instead of just choosing what I wanted to make, and then convincing them that they would be good costumes. I talked to Michael about it first, and he would change his mind ever day. When I asked Matthew what he wanted to be he said "Op pe" which translates into English from Matthew's secret language to "Hulk Smash". He could not be persuaded into being something else. He loves the Hulk... possibly because he's green, and that's Matthew's favorite color. So I started brainstorming on how on earth I could possibly make a Hulk costume. I figured the only way would be some really stretchy fabric, and a whole lot of batting. Michael finally settled on Superman, so then I thought that Macey would make a super cute Wonder woman, and that rounded out our Super Trio.

Michael's preschool was going to have a "Pumpkin Party", which would allow them to wear their costumes to school. Michael was pretty excited for this because he loves school, and his teacher Ms. Beth. So he helped me make some Halloween Sugar cookies in the shapes of Pumpkins, Ghosts and Bats, and did some good directing how they should be decorated. His teacher told me I could come at the end of class when they were doing "Show and Tell" so I could get some pictures of him and his classmates in their costumes. I got there just in time to hear Michael telling his class about his costume and about the awesome super abilities of Superman, which surprisingly included the power to stack chairs, and to kill mean fish that might try to eat people, like sharks. I was surprised to hear this, because I never knew that Superman was so good at stacking chairs, or that there was a large threat of bad fish trying to eat people. Luckily Michael is on the job as Superman this year!

We decided to head up to Glendale like we do every year to spend Halloween with Grammy. Her ward always has a great Halloween party and Trunk or Treat that includes a yummy chili dinner. The kids had a really good time. They always enjoy the little carnival that they do inside the building. Grammy and I had decorated the trunk of my car earlier so that she and Scott would look really festive handing out candy to all the kids (I'm not sure that Scott actually handed out candy, mostly just tried to make sure that Grammy gave out all the candy that he doesn't like first). I took the boys around to all the cars to make sure they got their candy. Matthew picked up on what he was supposed to do pretty quick, and could actually say something that sounded like "trick or treat" which was great. Michael was an old pro, and didn't need Mom and Matthew slowing him down... so I kept having to remind him to stay with us. Macey hung out with Grammy and Scott, and I'm not sure how many packages she ate of M&M's but I'm fairly sure that it's more than I would have allowed her to eat. Which is why it's so fun to hang out with Daddy and Grammy.
We all had a great Halloween, and hope you all did too! be sure to check out our home page
http://www.scottnsara.com/ for more Halloween pics, and Scott's take on the evening. You can also view all our previous Halloween outings.
http://www.scottnsara.com/ for more Halloween pics, and Scott's take on the evening. You can also view all our previous Halloween outings.
VERY CUTE! I agree, they are the best yet. I think I'm going to make halloween costumes my big project of the year too. That is a CRACK UP about Michael's super hero stacking chairs and mean fishing killing abilities!! What an imagination!!!! And I love the bit about Matthews secret language--cute!
P.S. Al is VERY impressed with your costumes too!
Sara I LOOOOOOVE the costumes!!!!! You are so talented! They blow store bought costumes out of the water. The kids look "Super" Awesome! How fun to be able to spend Halloween with Grammy each year.
Love from Colorado
Wow is all I have to say. Your sewing is amazing. Looks like you had an awesome halloween. When are you going to come and help me sew? I have a project if you are interested!!!
They turned out very cute! and those are not easy costumes. You should be really proud!
I enjoyed looking at your website and reading scott's comments as well, so glad that you have your own website since sara won't let you write anything on this one :-)
I hope you know how talented you are! Making costumes by printing the pictures off of the internet...Wow! You are awesome :)
Way cute! I am very impressed...I wish I had that gift but I am happy for those that do. You really did it a great job!
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